To make a solution we have to dissolve a solid in a liquid

example: If salt is stirred into cold water we can make salt solution

There are several things we can do to help the salt dissolve:

  • Increase the temperature of the water.
  • In other words use warm water instead of cold water.
  • Break up the sugar crystal into smaller lumps (using a mortar and pestle)
  • Smaller lumps have more surface area in contact with the water
  • Stir the water.
  • This keeps the water mixed so that the sugar can spread itself around the water evenly

When something dissolves we say that it is soluble.

This means that salt is soluble in water .

When something cannot dissolve we say that it is insoluble.

This means that sand is insoluble in water .

Sometimes we find that however much we stir the salt will not dissolve.

When this happens it is because the solution is holding as much salt as it can and we say that the solution is saturated

Some extra words:

The solid we dissolve whan making a solution is called the solute

The liquid we use to make a solution is called a solvent

When a solution can’t dissolve any more solid it is called a saturated solution

We can remove the water (or other solvent) from a solution by evaporation